Friday, June 5, 2009

Amelia Lida Klemme

Isn’t she cute:)

 She’s my favorite…..

 ~I gotta say, I never thought I’d enjoy being an aunt near as much as I do…it’s probably one of the coolest things in the world. 

 ~ I remember the day she was born…March 25….I was working evenings, my shift was almost over, and my brother called me at work and said, "I can’t talk, but just wanted to let you know you’ll be an aunt in like 10 minutes….come if you want!" I had my doubts going to the hospital at midnight, given the neighborhood it was in, and just the fact that those are not exactly hospital visiting hours, but I decided that I wanted to be there.  So, I raced home to change and made my way to the hospital.  I checked in with security and made my way up to the labor and delivery floor.  Things were pretty quiet up there, but I traveled through the hallways until I found the nursery.  There, I saw the little miracle.  My brother standing over the cutest baby in the world.  She wasn’t crying one bit,  just roaming her eyes about the room as happy as can be.  She held his hand tightly as my brother gazed over her with a proud daddy look.  I watched through the glass window in excitement, and later got to hold her just a few hours after coming into this world.  Never ever would I trade that night for anything.

 ~ Since then, I’ve appreciated living in the same city.  It’s pretty fun being a part of her life and knowing that she knows, trusts, loves, and has fun with you.  Hearing her voice as you walk through the door shouting “Te-Te’s here!!,” hearing & seeing her copy things you do and say, playing our own version of rock band with her horse on a stick as a guitar, taking her to story-time, and drawing fun things on the sidewalk together are just a few of the memories I will never forget.  

~It's amazing how something so unplanned is something SO planned in God's book.  Hanging out with a 2 year old once a week isn't something I ever planned to do at my age, but it's something I so want to do and has changed me in ways that I would have never imagined!! 

 ~Oh, and another sweet deal is that at the end of the day….you can always give em back...What an amazing life!! 



  1. I agree.. nieces are amazing! I never knew I had the capacity to love someone so much until my first niece was born and now my second niece!!!

  2. I totally agree too!! :) (and I can't believe I didn't know u had a blog.... sad!) Don't worry- i read all the posts and you are amazing!! Miss u!!
